Quick & Easy Breakfasts with Belvita
Early mornings are never my kinda thing. Multiple alarm snoozes later and I always find myself rushing around to get ready for the day, and always forgetting to have any kind of breakfast. Cereals and toast with butter/jam/peanut butter always get a little boring, so I wanted to find something that I could eat on the go and something that was still good for you. So on a recent food shop, I browsed the aisles looking for some inspiration among the cereal bars and snack sections, and came across something I liked the look of. Enter Belvita.
Belvita appeared to have various varieties of there breakfast biscuits, so naturally as a chocolate lover, I was drawn to the Cocoa Choc Chip biscuits, and they have definitely not disappointed! Packed with 5 wholegrains and 4 hour slow release carbohydrates, these breakfast biscuits are great for those in a rush, but still want something quick, easy and nutritious whilst on the go. I would highly recommend these to anyone looking to try something new for breakfast or even as a mid morning snack, as these are absolutely delicious!
Have you tried these Belvita biscuits before? What are your go-to breakfast ideas for on the go?