How To Beat Working From Home Aches & Pains During Covid-19
AD - GIFTED | With the COVID-19 outbreak still ongoing, a lot of people had to make a complete shift from the corporate office settings to working from their own homes. For some people, this could be less than ideal as they do not have the correct locations to work from home and avoiding any injuries whilst working away from the office, and those slouched over laptops for an extended period of time could be the ones getting aches and pains. The problem is when you sit slouched over your laptop on your bed or desk, you don’t maintain a correct posture, and end up rounding your shoulders. As a result of this, too much strain on put on the tissues of your body which may result in chronic pain in your neck and back. So how can we rectify this?
Obviously the most necessary thing to do would be to take regular breaks away from your laptop, to ensure you don't stay slumped in the same position for hours and hours. Whether you use this break to go to the toilet, make some food, or just have some fresh air, it's very important to take regular breaks when working from home. Not only will this help you prevent aches and pains, it will also help you to remain focused and alert.
Finally, something that can really help you through the aches and pains are simple back/ shoulder exercises and stretches to help improve mobility and posture. I like to make sure I do as much stretching as possible, and if necessary, I have been using my foam roller to target any specific areas of pain. Just by getting up and about every hour or so will help beat those aches and pains, and help to keep your muscles functioning correctly and prevent soreness. There are so many videos online and tutorials to follow to make sure you are correctly stretching your muscles out - something very important to focus on as you don't want to risk further injury.
Have you been suffering with any WFH aches and pains? What ways have you been trying to reduce these?