9 Content Writing Tips To Use To Improve Your Blog Posts
Looking for some simple ways to improve your written content and have better blog posts? This post is perfect for you, as I'll be sharing some practical tips you can use in your writing that have helped me in expanding my site and its contents over the last few months in particular.
Millions of blog posts are written every single day and it can be extremely difficult to make sure yours are getting the right attention, outreach and engagement they truly deserve. Well-written, quality contents and articles will help you to stand out among the thousands of other blogs within the same niche as yours, and help to bring your readers back to your site time and time again. By applying some simple content writing ideas and tips to your own work, you can make your articles message more appealing to a wider audience. Let's discuss 10 content writing tips to use to improve your blog posts.
Quality or Quantity?
It's a vital content writing tip to ensure you maintain a good balance between blog post quality and quantity, but the question is - is the quantity or quality of blog posts published on your site more important? This is definitely a hard question to specifically choose a right answer. For me, your content needs to be consistent first above anything all else. Consistency is a crucial factor for both quality and quantity.
In terms of quality, you want your blog posts to be worded, written and made visually engaging. You want your blog posts to follow the same style and layout, make sure they are informative and relatable, and remain relevant to your article topic. Similarly, consistency and quantity also go hand in hand. Having a consistent publishing schedule - whether that's once a month, twice a week or three times a day, this allows people to view your website and be able to get new content as soon as it's live.
Research and Plan
A huge part of planning and writing for a successful blog post is researching your chosen topic. Depending on your blogs theme or niche, you need to make your posts highly relevant and engaging to ensure your readers will take a look. Research helps you refine your initial post ideas to make sure that your creating engaging, relatable and relevant blog posts, targeted towards your niche and your audience.
Consider Word Count
Although your blog post and word count length may vary depending on your chosen topic and audience, this is something to consider when writing up your work for publishing. By beginning to start writing longer amounts of content in your blog posts, this helps your content rank higher online and gives search engines more to look through, as well as helping boost your websites SEO.
Include Visual Pieces
Visual content, whether that be images, gifs or videos, is generally much more engaging than paragraphs of text on your websites. "Research shows that 90 percent of the information transmitted to the human brain is visual, and people process visual information 60,000 times faster than text." Including visual pieces in your articles will not only make your post better readable by breaking up larger sections of text but may also reduce the reading time - helpful for those who don't have enough spare time to engage in a longer text article
Create Evergreen Content
You may be wondering, what is evergreen content? Well to put it simply, evergreen content is content that remains relevant regardless of when you publish it. Evergreen styled content is informative and useful content that is engaging at anytime, and remains relevant to readers over a long period of time. This type of content constantly consists of and revolves around topics that'll be always relatable and offers a constant level of sustained interest. The ultimate goal of using evergreen content on your blog is to drive traffic to your site on a long-term basis.
Titles are Important
When you begin writing a new blog post, creating an intriguing and engage title is an important job. The title is the usually the first piece of your article that your readers will look at, so it's important to make it stand out and hope to grab their attention. You want to create a title that will persuade the reader to click and make them want to know more about your newly published content. I would generally keep my titles short and sweet, but making sure they are to the point and conveying the message I want to put out there. Make sure to include any keywords that may allow you to rank higher on search engines. I also like to use numbered lists when writing - for examples "5 ways to..." or "3 benefits of..." - including these in your title makes your content sound beneficial to read and informative.
Article Layout
Another useful tip to consider is the full design and layout of your blog posts. You want to make sure each and every one of your posts follows the same format to show consistency and professionalism. You will be able to boost your content on the readability scale by incorporating or using headings, bullets and lists where possible to make your content or posts easier to scan - instead of continuous paragraphs of text.
Include Links to Relevant Posts
When I begin thinking of new ideas or writing new posts, I always look back at similar content that I have previously published and will be able to link in my new articles. Not only is linking other blog posts good for your website, it's also good for your readers who might be interested in similar content and can easily click through to read more. By including relevant links, this makes browsing so much easier to direct readers from one page to another in just a few clicks. It can also help older articles to get seen easily and increase the page views of these posts.
Proof Read, Edit and Preview
A first draft of a new blog post is probably not going to be your best work. Before publishing any new posts to your site it's important to check and double check your content to make sure there are no errors or mistakes. You'll also want to read through your content to understand your writing style much better, and make sure it's appealing for your own readers, so they don't get bored and click off your content. Spelling mistakes, layout issues and wrong URL links are simple little things that can be looked past when publishing new posts, but it's something worth checking before hitting that publish button. Having well-written, grammatically correct blog posts will want your readers to continue viewing your posts, as they will be able to see that time and care has been taken whilst writing to make sure the articles that are published are understandable.
What tips do you have to write a great blog post? Do you already use any of the tips listed above?